In-Person VGC Circuit

Comprehensive guide to all in-person events, both big and small

Hey there!

If you're reading this website, you might be wondering what it's like to attend an in-person Pokémon event. We've got you covered! This short site contains a quick guide to tournaments and their structure, as well as answers to frequently asked questions. None of this information is official, and some of it is just our opinion. For the ultimate authority, check out the Play! Pokémon Rules and Resources VG Rules Doc. Hope to see you at an event soon!

Aaron Traylor

What is the Circuit

3min 47sec read


Circuit Specifics

Swiss and Top Cut

3min 14sec read

Attending a Regional

8min 54sec read

Attending Worlds

11min read


Qualifying to Worlds



How much do events cost?

4min 37sec read

What should I pack?

3min 24sec read